Sunday, September 29, 2019

KELEN woodprints in Madison Gallery Night at AMERICAN FERAL GALLERY!

I am excited to announce that I will be one of the
showing October 4th
in Madison's acclaimed Gallery Night!!

AMERICAN FERAL GALLERY2150 East WashingtonMadison.
5PM to 9PM....
and probably will be open a bit later than that
due to the nature of us artists.

The Gallery would be open for viewing until October 12th
for those who would 
like to make appointments.

They have three of my woodprints.

That's one of them.
(I've got a really elderly iMac that overheats and shuts I can only add one at a time,
every now and then....
sit tight...I'll get the others up today.)
The Swamp...$350 unframed~$425 framed
(Children)......$350 unframed~$425 framed
Early Man......$300 unframed~$375 framed

Betty's Nightclub....$200 unframed~$300 framed.

(Betty's Nightclub hangs at Artist Craftsman Supply during Gallery Night/month)